191 | When Your Parents Are Pressuring You About Grades..
Always butting heads with your parents about your grades? Tune into this episode for tips on how to get the grades you want with less stress.
190 | How to Know Where You’re Going in Life
This episode is about how to get clarity on your direction in life, even when you're awaiting a big decision like which college you're getting into.
189 | For anyone struggling with body image..
This episode is a heart-to-heart chat with anyone else out there struggling with their body image and want some support finding their way to self-love.
188 | Making Friends at a New School or College
Tune in for my best advice on managing your anxiety about starting at a new school and tips on how to make friends, even if you feel anxious!
187 | Overcome Your Fear of Failure
How often does your fear of failure or judgment hold you back? Tune in to learn my new favorite motto you can practice every time your brain freaks out about trying something new.
186 | How to Be Less Boring
Ever feel like you're just not that interesting to talk to? Well, if so, tune into this episode as I give short and simple tips on how to be less “boring”!
185 | Calming Your Anxious Mind - with Psychiatrist Dr Wever
This episode is an insightful interview with psychiatrist, Dr. Wever, where you can learn expert tips on how to better manage your anxiety and feel more confident!
184 | Turning Your "Flaws" into Strengths - Interview with Seamus Evans
Tune into this inspiring interview to learn how to overcome your struggle with self-acceptance and be proud of who you are, even if you have a diagnosis that society defines as a “flaw”.
183 | How To Stop Overthinking Your Life
If you’re an overthinker and a highly anxious person, then check out this episode to learn how to find a sense of inner peace - even when life isn’t going according to plan.
182 | Relationship Questions You're Too Embarrassed to Ask Your Parents - with Max Radcliffe
Tune in to hear respectful relationship speaker, Max Radcliffe, share his best advice on how to navigate those tough, and sometimes awkward, relationship issues that need to be addressed.
181 | How to Stop Comparing Your Body on Social Media
In the world of social media, it's so easy to "compare and despair" your body against what you see online. This episode will help you put an end to that toxic habit once & for all!
180 | Q&A on All Things Social Skills!
This is a fun Q&A episode where I answer questions on everything from feeling more confident about your appearance to how to stop arguing with your parents and getting over a fight with a friend!
179 | Secrets to Studying Better with ADHD - with Camille Roney
Check out this episode with academic life coach, Camille Roney, to learn how to study better and improve your grades even if you have a mind that’s easily distracted!
178 | How to Stop Feeling Bad About Wanting More in Life
This episode is a pep talk for anyone who feels bad about wanting things in life. You’ll learn a new strategy to help you create an abundant mindset that allows you to dream & desire, minus the guilt!
177 | How to Feel Your Feelings - With Rhonda Farr
Do you hate feeling anxious? Do you tend to tense up when you’re feeling stressed? Tune into this interview with emotions coach, Rhonda Farr, to learn how to feel ANY feeling without fear - so you can get back to what matters most in life!
176 | Confidence Tips & Tricks - With Jacqui Letran
I am so excited to bring Jacqui Letran back on the show to teach us more mindset techniques to help overcome the self-critical voice in our head so we can feel more confident again!
175 | The Best Person to Ever Get Advice From
Do you struggle to follow through on what you said you were gonna do? Well, tune in my friend, because you're about to get a pep talk that'll turn that all around for 2022!
174 | Grief & Sadness at Christmas Time
This episode is for anyone who struggles with grief or sadness during Christmas time due to being apart from family and having lost someone you love dearly.
173 | Overcoming Depression and Taking Control Back of Your life - with Daniel James
This interview is with coach and speaker, Daniel James, who bravely shares his journey through depression and practical steps you can take to help you take back control of your life!
172 | How Crying Makes You Stronger
Ever apologize when you start crying as if it’s a bad thing? Check out this episode to learn why crying isn’t a sign you’re weak, but your path to greater strength & resilience!