LIFE COACH for stressed-out students
Is your teen’s emotional life decided by their next exam grade or text from a friend?
Kate can help. She’s an expert at helping teens get a handle over their anxiety - rather than anxiety always having control over them.
She’s fun, relatable and powerful at what she does.
Her teen clients love her and parents call her ‘‘magic’’.
Most of all, she will help your teen stop the meltdowns that leave them feeling out of control.
If you’re not sure if coaching is right for your teen, book your free consultation call with Kate. She’ll answer all your questions about it and there’s zero obligations - she just wants to help you make the best decision for your teen.
Teaching your child the skills they need to better control their reaction to what happens in life is what Kate’s coaching is all about.
Kate Gladdin is a teen resilience expert and certified life coach who specializes in helping teenagers get a handle over their emotional life in a way they actually relate to.
In supportive, weekly sessions teens can learn practical life skills they can implement immediately to help them overcome set-backs that would normally derail their emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. As opposed to traditional therapy, life coaching is more relaxed and forward-focused. If your teen has tried psychotherapy or counseling with limited results, life coaching may be the answer!
Still not sure if coaching is right for your teen?
Click below to book your free call with Kate below and she can answer all your questions!
Want to meet Kate and learn more about her coaching?
Click on this video below:

Life Coaching For Teens
If you're a parent and feel helpless seeing your son or daughter struggle with academic and social pressures that you have zero influence or control over, one of the best things you can do is seek out a strong role model and mentor for your teenager. As a former troubled teen herself, Kate has a natural empathy that kids gravitate to and relax around. She's relatable and relevant. She's also a highly skilled and credentialed life coach. What this means is she has a proven toolkit of perspective-shifting exercises and practices to help teens get to know themselves better—so they improve the way they approach personal and academic challenges. Kate has traveled the world speaking at schools and mental health organizations. She’s elevated the lives of over 200,000 students worldwide!
How can life coaching help your teen?
Calm the stress around exams and academic success
Reduce overwhelm about the future and which path to pursue next
Diffuse the stressful negativity of poorly chosen friends, mismatched teachers, or troubled family life
Overcome the despair of a painful break up or friendship struggles
End ‘compare and despair’ social media anxiety
Push through to the finish line on a big goal—even when life has hit your teen with some serious sucker punches
Move forward, one tender step at a time, after a life crisis such as parents divorcing or a death in the family
Implement positive habits such as healthy eating, time management, and exercise
“The purpose of my coaching is to help your teen gain a greater sense of control over their emotional life and their reactions to setbacks. As a teenager who had chronic anxiety and an eating disorder during high school, I know how it feels to struggle with a sense of lack of control during the turbulence of adolescence. So I teach them the awareness, motivation and tools they need to begin to understand their emotions, change their thought processes and be well on their way to transitioning from a fixed to a growth mindset - the foundation of true resilience in life.”
- Kate Gladdin
Client Results…
“Kate’s coaching is unique, and I would most definitely recommend her over a counselor or psychologist. As someone who has been to both, I have found Kate’s coaching more practical and productive as she helps you understand your thoughts and feelings and how to move through them, rather than just talking about how to cope. Before the sessions, she gives you questions and little activities to help you work through your thoughts and continue the coaching outside of the sessions, so that its not just once a week for an hour that your receiving support. Another thing I love about Kate’s coaching is that no matter when—you can reach out to her with a ramble of thoughts and she is able to help you through them. For example, one time I was struggling with a friendship dynamic. I couldn’t sleep and wrote down all my thoughts in an email at about 11 pm and sent it to Kate. She emailed me back the next day with some guidance and then in our next session we discussed in detail and worked through it. Her support in the sessions, as well as outside, provides you with the most productive way to overcome your situation and gain clarity on your thoughts 24/7.”
“After seeing psychologists for several years and still feeling stuck with the same problems, I knew that it was time to try something different. In my first half-hour session with Kate, I felt like I had already gained so much knowledge. There was just a genuineness about Kate where it felt like you were really listening to what I was saying, and whilst she showed kindness and compassion towards the thought patterns I presented, she also never beat around the bush with her advice. This for me was important as it gave me the wake-up call that I needed.”
“My parents first started to look into coaching as an option for me after I felt as though I needed some extra help in dealing with the different situations in my life. Coaching felt like the right option for me as I knew what I was going through wasn’t normal, but I didn’t feel like seeing a psychologist. I wanted help but not from someone who I felt might try and diagnose me, I wanted action. Before coaching with Kate I constantly felt angry and frustrated with myself. I couldn’t relax. At times I found it difficult to fall asleep at night. Kate helped me see the power of my thoughts as a trigger for actions. During a particularly challenging exam time, I was able to understand my thoughts and act upon them which helped me create better outcomes. My life remained balanced and healthy. I felt like I could study so much more productively and still allow myself time to relax. This was a major improvement. ”
Your free half-hour consultation is a no-strings-attached phone call where Kate will answer your questions and make sure she’s a good fit for your teen. (There’s also a free intro call included for your teen). If you decide you'd like to move forward with a 10 week coaching package, Kate will outline your next steps which include making your downpayment and getting started on your free intro call with your teen organized.
Life coaching is personalized support to help you move forward with your life—toward specific goals—as an emotionally resilient person. With Kate by your side, you'll knuckle down on solving your issues with intentional focus. As a certified life coach, she's professionally trained to help you shift the stubborn thought patterns that keep you stuck. You'll work from an emotional and cognitive level to get to the root of your problems and solve them permanently.
As your coach, Kate will provide accountability. She'll also gently, but firmly challenge you to step outside your comfort zone or shift your perspective, so you grow into the person you want to be. Together you'll find solutions to the current issues you're facing and put them into practice by setting goals and making action plans. She'll help you break down your path forward into manageable steps—to transition from where you are now to where you want to go. You'll learn and practice tools to help you be mentally stronger, find greater joy, and feel like your life is on purpose.
Whilst Kate doesn’t have the university degree of a clinical psychologist or therapist, Kate’s coaching is based on many principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) but with her own personal twist - because she always struggled to connect with content that is too ‘’dry’’ or formal. So by intertwining CBT with her own personal experiences and qualifications as a life coach, she has the ability to connect with teens in a really meaningful way. Therefore they’re very open to taking on board her insights and actually practicing the strategies she teaches because it’s taught to them in a real and relatable way.
This is important because teens’ brains are naturally wired to push against ‘’authority figures’’ during adolescence - so the messenger becomes just as important as the message! This is why Kate loves what she does because she fills that gap where she’s young enough to be relatable but old enough to be someone they look up to/respect... who isn’t just Mum or Dad! ;)
Absolutely. Life coaching is not intended to help people recover from emotional or other psychological disorders such as clinical depression, anxiety, substance abuse, disordered eating, physical and emotional abuse, and any other psychological condition that requires a deep excavation of one's past to facilitate healing. Therapy would be the right protocol in those situations.
Your teen will work with Kate for 10 weeks, meeting weekly (45 minutes per session). Your teen will look forward to their weekly sessions as a time of personalized support just for them.
As building resilience requires skills that take practice, Kate offers an eight-session coaching package for a $2,175 investment (payment plan options are available). Coaching sessions can continue on, but 8 weeks is the minimum you can sign your teen up for.
Your coaching package includes:
Confidential email and text support between sessions where Kate can connect with, uplift, and inspire your teen until their next session. She'll share videos, books, podcasts, and other resources to keep your teen motivated and moving forward.
The sessions will take place via Zoom so the teen can join in the comfort of their own home.
You'll have plenty of time and opportunity during your consultation call to determine if Kate and her coaching style are a good fit for your teen. She also offers a FREE meet & greet call with your teen afterward, so they can get a feel for her personality and coaching style to ensure they feel comfortable with her before making a commitment to coaching.
First, you'll determine if Kate is the right coach for you or your teen by scheduling a free half-hour consultation. During the call, Kate will answer any questions you have and learn a bit more about you and your goals.
Individual sessions can be rescheduled with 24-hour advanced notice. Refunds for unexplained missed sessions are not given.
Client Success Stories
“The results of coaching with Kate have blown my mind! I am able to stay positive and calm dealing with my ex husband. I am able to open up and be honest in my relationship. I am able to be more patient with my children. I have taken massive action towards creating a successful business that I love and the job of my dreams. I am on my way to achieving more goals with my fitness and hobbies. I am ticking off things that I have always wanted to do but haven’t had the determination to follow through with.”
“Coaching with Kate has honestly been such a game changer for me. The growth that I have experienced since working with her has been in leaps and bounds—not only in my internal thought processes but also in how I show up to the world and how I interact with others. Kate has helped me become much less critical of myself and understand that I do not have to prove my worth to anyone, nor do I have to reach certain benchmarks to feel worthy. I have no regrets in signing up and think that if anyone needs the push to make positive changes in their life but doesn’t feel they can do it, Kate gives them the gentle push and tools to show them that they are capable of making those changes!”
“Before my first session with Kate, I was nervous and perhaps even a little bit apprehensive. However, from the moment the call connected for our first session, I felt a sense of ease. Although you are faced with tough questions and you are delving into the deepest crevices of your inner self that haven’t seen the light of day for years, there is absolutely no hint of judgment and you are always left with a range of tools to weave into each day of your life to ensure that you show up as the best version of yourself.
In the short time that I have had the honour of having Kate as my coach, I have noticed a real and significant shift in my self-confidence and in my resilience. I am more aware of the thoughts that I have and the impact that these thoughts have on my feelings and behaviour. I am beginning to embrace the idea of living life and dreaming on purpose, and this sparks a sense of excitement for the future.”
“I was able to pour my heart out to Kate. It surprised me the areas that we covered. From the self depletion of a bad score on my assignments at university, to arguments with parents to feeling anxiety about the future, Kate provided me with an activity or a solution to the drama my thoughts were creating. I now have tools to prevent thoughts creating feelings that could be toxic to my success. Since coaching with Kate, my overall mood has changed. I’m able to go to sleep at night without a bunch of thoughts circling in my head. I’m able to wake up without dread and anxiety about scheduled tasks. I have a different outlook altogether. I feel the strength and confidence required to go outside of my comfort zone as I pursue my journalism career.”
“My mind set has shifted. I can see the differences in how I interact with people and how I view the things other people do. Also, I can see myself trying to turn situations into positives and if that can’t happen sitting with the feeling and repeating the mantra we created together. I have become a bit more open to people and I have matured more, in the sense that I don’t blame others for my feelings and I accept that I’m choosing to think a certain way about a situation which is making me feel a certain way. I have also noticed that I am trying to find the positives in all situations.”