182 | Relationship Questions You're Too Embarrassed to Ask Your Parents - with Max Radcliffe

Ever felt pressured into doing something sexual? Or asked to send intimate photos to someone? Or had someone you were chatting to suddenly go quiet on you?

As a young person in today's world, you've likely faced one of these above scenarios. Which is why I've invited respectful relationships speaker, Max Radcliffe, onto the show with really helpful advice on how to navigate these complex relationship issues. They're often questions that can feel too awkward to ask your parents, but don't forget they were once young too and they'd rather be here to help you navigate your struggles than for you to make a choice you regret.

You can check out Max's website and connect with him on Instagram @maxi.radcliffe

If you're at all feeling sexually coerced in any of your relationships, please know you can call this free hotline anytime for extra advice and support. 

Don’t forget:

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183 | How To Stop Overthinking Your Life


181 | How to Stop Comparing Your Body on Social Media