What You Have In Common With Beyonce, Liam Hemsworth and Your Mailman - 049

I left school hating myself - there's no other way to say it. I was spiralling into anxiety and self loathing - until I learned what I share with you in this podcast. This episode will not only show you that you have a lot in common with your favourite people but also help you understand the root cause of your anxiety, and how to get a handle over it - for good!

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podcast, teens, parents, membership grief Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership grief Kate Gladdin

When Friends Don’t Understand Your Grief - 048

Grief is complicated and painful enough as it is, let alone feeling like friends or people around us for judging how we feel. So this episode I get vulnerable about my personal experience with this since losing my sister. I share the 3 ways I've found helpful in handling friends who simply don't understand what you're going through so you no longer feel so alone and misunderstood.

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Overcoming Procrastination Part 2 - 047

End your anxious cycle of procrastination once and for all by finally getting to the root cause of it - and changing it for the better! That's what this episode is all about as I share with you a 3 step process you can use anytime you find yourself spiralling into overwhelm of ''how much you have to do'' yet just can't seem to find the motivation to do it!

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Overcoming Procrastination: Part 1 - 045

Whether it's snapchatting instead of studying. Staring at the fridge instead of writing that essay. Watching one more episode rather than replying to that email; the list of ways we procrastinate is endless! So how do we stop the cycle of unproductivity that's causing us to fall behind on our goals?

That's what we explore in this week's episode.  Discover the biggest mistake you're making with your to-do list which is causing you to procrastinate the most and what to change to become more productive!

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When Negative People Are Driving You Crazy - 044

We've all got that someone who absolutely sucks the life out of us with their negativity, right? It can leave you wanting to cut them out of your life - but sometimes you can't, and what if you didn't have to? What if they could complain all day and you weren’t dragged down at all? Yes, it really is possible - and today's episode will teach you how!

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podcast, teens, parents, membership inspiration Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership inspiration Kate Gladdin

Caring Less What Others Think And More About Your Dreams: Interview with Jonathan Frederick - 043

Today's episode is a special interview with Jonathan Frederick - host of the top ranking podcast, ''The Heart Healthy Hustle Show''. I invited Jonathan on my show for deep chats about what it really takes to go from unsure college grad to building a successful venture from the ground up so you can live a life of impact. 

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podcast, teens, parents, membership inspiration Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership inspiration Kate Gladdin

Keeping It Real With 100,000 Followers: Interview with Steph Pase - 041

This episode is a special interview with, Steph Pase - an instagram influencer and woman behind "Just Another Mummy Blog". I invited her on the show to give insight into what it’s like to be a huge influencer online; how to grow your following, how to deal with the haters that come with it and most importantly, how to keep it real on a platform that’s anything but!

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Getting Over Breakups Sooner Rather Than Later - 40

Relationships can be a source of our greatest joy in life, yet also our deepest pain when they fall apart in ways we never saw coming. Listen to today’s episode to learn the 2 main things you can do in order to healthily process your heartbreak and not let the 3 P's hold you back from moving forward in a positive way. What are the 3 P's? Tune in to find out!

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Growing Resilience Through Spirituality - 039

Today's episode is a recording from a special interview with Human Potential Mentor, Jason French. Jason asks powerful questions that dive right into the spiritual journey I went on to keep my heart open to the world even when it was so broken, so you can learn what choices you can make so you can do the same.

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podcast, teens, parents, membership motivation Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership motivation Kate Gladdin

Health & Fitness Q&A - LIVE - 037

This week's episode is a recording of my LIVE Q&A on all things health and fitness! I answer questions including how to motivate yourself to workout on a cold morning, whether weights are better than cardio, my favourite snacks on-the-go and how to fit in working out whilst traveling. If you're struggling with motivation with your fitness goals, this episode will give you the kick you need to get back on track!

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Turning Breakdowns into Breakthroughs - 036

We've all been there - those moments when it feels like it's just one sucker punch after another, and your negative thoughts are running RAMPANT. You feel swamped in helplessness and thinking ''Why is this happening to me?!!" Today's episode is all about we can get a handle over all of our negativity and go on to turn these breakdowns into our breakthroughs so that good things grow from it!

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podcast, teens, parents Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents Kate Gladdin

''Should I Save For A House or Go Traveling In My Twenties?'' - 035

As a 20-something year old myself I know the battle many of us face - should I save for that house or go on that holiday? Should I make long term invest in properties or in experiences? Should I do what makes others happy or risk losing their approval? In this episode I share the 3 key steps you can take to clear up that internal conflict and find the right answer for you. 

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podcast, teens, parents, membership body image Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership body image Kate Gladdin

Taking back Control over Bingeing: Part 2 - 034

This week's podcast is a follow on from last week's explanation of how and why bingeing cycles develop - and why it isn't reason to beat ourselves over it! The 1st step is recognising what's really going on in your brain and today we dive into the next step of how to respond to those urges so you learn to get a handle over them rather than urges always having you!

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podcast, teens, parents, membership body image Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership body image Kate Gladdin

Bingeing: The First Step To Ending It - 033

Do you swear it's your last spoon of Nutella - yet 5 spoons later and you're still going?! Or maybe you swear just ONE more episode on Netflix before study, but one season later and you haven't moved an inch? Then this episode is for you! Discover what's really going on in your brain when this is happening and the first step to taking back control over it.

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Career Confusion and Not Having What It Takes - 031

Confused about what career path to take? Or always had a secret dream career but you're not smart enough? Talented enough? Funny enough? Pretty enough? Tune into today's episode to learn how an elephant and a rope may be insight you need to help you overcome the true cause of your confusion or what's holding you back.

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How To Stay Positive In a Negative World - 030

‘‘How do I stay positive in a negative world?’’ In this episode I take you step by step through the biggest relevation I was ever taught that completely shifted how I approached the world and made thinking positively about my experiences a lot easier. I still have days where I struggle, but the struggle is far less since I recognise the power I have over my circumstances.

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