Keeping It Real With 100,000 Followers: Interview with Steph Pase - 041


This episode is a special interview with Steph phase - an instagram influencer and woman behind "Just Another Mummy Blog".

She gives out helpful tools daily on her instagram, youtube and blog to help women when it comes to organising, fitness, health, beauty, mental health, motherhood and just being honest with her followers when it comes to the good, the bad and the ugly of being an every day woman. Steph has also started a craze for organisation which her followers call "Stephing" - something I’m definitely inspired to do more of in my own life after learning from Steph! 

I invited Steph on the show to give insight into what it’s like to be a huge influencer online; how to grow your following, how to deal with the haters that come with it and most importantly, how to keep it real on a platform that’s anything but! Throughout the interview she also gives away tonnes of helpful tips on coping with anxiety, organising even the messiest of rooms, sticking to your workout plans and handling the pressure of social media in an open and raw way. 

I strongly encourage you all to check out Steph on all of her platforms to bring more inspiration, motivation and guidance from a woman who’s showing it IS possible to have it ALL amongst the daily mess of life:

Instagram: @justanothermummyblog


Youtube: Just Another Mummy Blog

Don’t forget:

Enjoy the show?


How To Deal With Regret - 042


Getting Over Breakups Sooner Rather Than Later - 40