podcast, teens, parents, membership mindset Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership mindset Kate Gladdin

99 | When Positive Thinking Isn't Working For You

Does trying to believe ''I'm beautiful the way I am'' or ''I can do anything'' feel like trying to believe unicorns are real - just way too out of reach and unrealistic to your brain? Yep, I’ve been there too. So in this episode I teach you how to change your mindset using a new tool that trains your brain to believe anything you want it to.

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Victim vs. Victimhood - 073

I was recently criticized for victimizing victims because I believe in taking responsibility for why our lives are the way they are. So, this episode I’m explaining what I truly mean by this by revealing the difference between ‘’victim’’ and ‘’victimhood’’. And how one you don’t get a choice over – but the other you always do.

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Holding The Space - 067

Life can sometimes be outright cruel to people that we love. How can we stay present and best support them during these moments? How do we not get uncomfortable or add to the pressure they're feeling? Tune in to find out about this skill of ‘’holding the space’’ for all emotions and how you can practice getting better at it.

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Life - Are You Flatlining It? - 064

What kind of life do you want? You get one chance at being human - what kind of experience do you want it to be? It's a deep but essential question to ask as we step into ''adult'' world - or before you know it, you could be flatlining your life. What do I mean by this? Tune in to find out.

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When You're Feeling Ashamed Of The Way You Are... - 063

Tune in for a really fresh perspective you can take on any flaw or weakness which can help end the shame game for you and boost your confidence of who you are - flaws and all. And if it’s a weakness you want to work on improving, this perspective will inspire you to take action from a place of self love rather than shame so you can finally put an end to so much self loathing.

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It Ain’t Weak to Speak: Interview with LIVIN Founder, Sam Webb - 061

Tune into my interview with Sam Webb, Founder of Mental Health Non-for-profit Organisation ‘’Livin’’ with the mission of breaking the stigma around speaking up and saying ‘’I’m not ok’’. If you’re a human being with a human brain, this episode is a must listen to – even if you’re not struggling mentally right now, doesn’t mean you won’t ever or that someone you love won’t.

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When You’re Feeling Out of Control - 056

In a world where there's so much beyond our control, it's easy to feel helpless and overwhelmed. Tune in to learn the ONE shift in self talk you need to make to take back a sense of control over how you feel even when there's nothing you can do about what you think is causing it.

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Clearing Your Mind of Negative Thoughts Completely - 053

Today's episode is answering a listener question, ''What happens if even after you try to improve your state of mind, it stays the same or sometimes gets worse? What are other things to do or to focus on to help clear your mind completely of negative thoughts?'' Tune in to find out the answer!

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When Someone You Love is Suicidal or Self Destructive - 051

Nothing in life can be more stressful than watching someone you love battle through depression or a mental health condition that has them on the verge of suicide or self destructive behaviour. How do we find strength in these moments? How can we support them without completely draining ourselves in the process? 

All of these questions are answered in this episode as I share with you the beliefs and choices I've made to help me find strength for a loved one when they need it most. 

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What You Have In Common With Beyonce, Liam Hemsworth and Your Mailman - 049

I left school hating myself - there's no other way to say it. I was spiralling into anxiety and self loathing - until I learned what I share with you in this podcast. This episode will not only show you that you have a lot in common with your favourite people but also help you understand the root cause of your anxiety, and how to get a handle over it - for good!

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When Negative People Are Driving You Crazy - 044

We've all got that someone who absolutely sucks the life out of us with their negativity, right? It can leave you wanting to cut them out of your life - but sometimes you can't, and what if you didn't have to? What if they could complain all day and you weren’t dragged down at all? Yes, it really is possible - and today's episode will teach you how!

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