1 | I Found A Vape in My Teen's Room..

Hosted by teen coaches, Kate Gladdin & Angi Solley, this is the podcast for parents who want to better connect with their teen so they can have a more strong, honest and supportive relationship.

Each month we'll be diving into in real life scenarios and challenging situations parents face while raising teens - whether it's catching your teen out in a lie or trying to handle how long they're spending glued to their phone - we've have got you covered! We know YOU are the real expert on YOUR family and we’re just here to provide tips, tools and a few laughs to make your parenting journeying more meaningful. 

This episode we dive into the somewhat alarming moment you discover a vape in your kids room! It's easy to spiral into panic, fear and anger, and lose your mind at them. But before you do, be sure to tune into this episode as we use Angi's real life example to learn what other options you have to approach your teen with about this.

We focus on ways you can still teach your teen a valuable lesson and enforce consquences without turning it into a huge family conflict and risk having your teen shut you out even more. 


2 | My Teen Called Me Sexist..