006 | Parenting Teens with ADHD
In this episode, Dr Chris Wever, shares his best tips on how to better support your teen with ADHD so they can still fulfill their potential.
5 | Navigating Grades & College Applications with Your Teen
Join me for an interview with academic life coach, Camille Roney, as we discuss how to better communicate and guide your teen through their college application process.
4 | When You Don't Like Who Your Teen Is Dating..
Here’s an episode all about how to chat with your teen about dating - especially when they’re seeing someone who you think is bad news or not a good fit for them. Tune in to hear our tips!
3 | Parenting Anxious Teens - with Dr Chris Wever
Not sure how to best support your teen when they’re struggling with anxiety? Tune into this episode with psychiatrist, Dr Chris Wever, for his expert advice on how to parent from a place of peace even when your teen is super anxious.
2 | My Teen Called Me Sexist..
Recently Angi’s teen called her sexist for her perspective on one of their choices. So in this episode we give some tips on on how to better navigate those times when the generation gap between you and your teen has you seeing things very differently.
1 | I Found A Vape in My Teen's Room..
In this episode we dive into the moment you discover a vape in your teen’s room! It's easy to spiral into panic, but before you do, tune into this episode as we use Angi's real life example to show what other options you have to handle this in a way that doesn’t cause your teen to shut you out even more.