7 Steps To Stopping the Worry-Cycle For You and Your Teen
Do you have a teen in your life who is a self-confessed ‘worry wart’? Constantly stressing the worst-case ‘what if’ scenario and wasting energy trying to control things that haven’t even happened yet?
Achieve Your Goal ATAR By Changing This One Thing
Lacking motivation towards your school work because there’s just too much to do until you finally finish? You’re not alone. So here’s a simple mindset shift to help re-ignite that motivation to stay focused and keep progressing towards your goal ATAR.
How To Recover Quickly After Your Laptop Crashes (and Deletes Your Hard Work!)
We’ve all been there—a laptop crashes, a drink gets spilt, a phone gets dropped—and that project you’ve been working on for hours is gone. Nothing is worse than that sinking feeling in your stomach. But, it doesn’t have to last for long! Here's my number one tip to get back on track fast.
Double Your Teens Productivity With This Simple Mindset Shift
It’s almost ‘a given’ that teens stress out about having not enough time to get all their study done - but it doesn’t have to be that way! Discover the real reason they struggle with time management - and how you can help them take back control of their schedules so they get twice as much done, with half as much overwhelm.
2018 Cronulla Woman of the Year
It is a huge honour to be named 2018 Cronulla Woman of the Year and attend the award ceremony with The Hon. Mark Speakman MP in celebration of International Women’s Day this year.
How To Help Stop Your Teen Feeling Like a Victim
Often hear your teen complain ‘that’s not fair!’, ‘it’s their fault’, or ‘I did that because she did this’? These are all signs of victim mentality that is eroding away your teen’s ability to be resilient. Discover what's the cause of this victim mentality, and most importantly, what you can do to help your teen change it.
Why Teens Are So Stressed—And It’s Not Exams, Bullying or Break-ups.
Many of us grow up believing how we feel is out of our control. We think that the reason we feel so stressed is because of our exams, our parents expectations, what that person said about us or whether we get into the uni course we wanted. But what if none of that were true?
Blog Dedication - In loving Memory Of Nicole Fitzsimons
At the beginning of every good book, you’ll find a tribute from the author to someone near and dear that they dedicate their book to. I want to take a moment to do the same, for my blog.