254 | When You Have Mixed Feelings About A Decision
if you tend to put off making a decision when you feel torn between different options or trade offs, give this episode a listen! Decision making doesn't have to be so hard once you understand the truth about mixed feelings.
253 | 5 Truths About Success That Will Make You More Successful
Going after our goals in life can be filled with unexpected challenges that make it tempting to quit. So in this episode, I share with you the 5 most powerful truths that you can use to become more successful even when the going gets tough!
252 | *FLASHBACK EPISODE* - The All or SOMETHING Mentality
In this episode I reveal why the perfectionist mentality is keeping you stuck in a cycle of underachieving and the mindset shift that can help take your progress to the next level!
251 | Shedding Clothes and Limiting Beliefs
As I began clearing out my wardrobe to move to Wyoming, I realized that our brains and our closets have a lot in common. What do I mean by that? Tune in to find out!
250 | How to Overcome People Pleasing
While it's nice to consider others, when you're constantly trying to please them, it can be crippling on your confidence. So tune in to learn about the solution to 'people pleasing' and tips to help you practice it!
249 | Pressure is a Privilege
This episode we discuss my favorite quote by tennis Legend, Billie Jean King - "Pressure is a privilege". Find out how you can use this perspective on pressure to help you rise to the occassion and learn from the times you don't.
*BONUS EPISODE - Exciting Announcement!*
Surprise! I'm posting up a short bonus episode to make an exciting announcement!!! Wanna know what it is?? You better tune in!
248 | For The Friend That Was There Through The Tears
This episode in honour of my friend is about the power of being there for loved ones during dark days, prioritizing what really matters most and reflecting on what you want your 'dash' to one day stand for...
247 | Eating for Health and Happiness - With Lauren Dorman
It’s time to stop skipping meals and counting calories! Tune into this episode with nutrition therapist, Lauren Dorman, for tips on how to eat in a way that nourishes your body and heals your relationship with food so you can feel more confident in the skin you’re in!
246 | When You're Feeling Bad About Your Body
If you're having a day where your insecurities are loud, tune into this episode. I share my favourite quotes and inspiration to help you override your fears with far more empowering truths about what beauty really is!
245 | Get More Done With Less Stress
Do you sometimes get overwhelmed with how much you have to do? Workload anxiety is a real thing, but there's a habit that can help make it a WHOLE lot better and create more of the results you want with less time & stress!
244 | Talking to Your Past Self
If you could go back 12 months ago, what would you tell your past self? What would you thank them for? What would you forgive them for? This is what today’s episode is all about to boost self appreciation for your past growth and use it as fuel for future growth.
243 | Tips to Make Small Talk Less Awkward
If you hate small talk because of how uncomfortable it is and you feel like you never know what to say, check out this episode! I give you my 5 best tips on how to be more comfortable starting conversations and making small talk!
242 | How to Avoid Your Biggest Regret
Do you overthink decisions out of fear of regret, that it often has you missing out on the opportunity or experience entirely? Tune into this episode to help overcome that fear by learning about what you’ll really regret most in life..
241 | Why Positive Thinking Isn't Working for You - *FLASHBACK EPISODE*
Do you try to think on the ‘bright side’ but still feel plague with the same old negative thoughts? Tune into this episode to learn about why our brain gets caught in the same patterns of thinking and how we can use this feature to change our minds for the better!
240 | Dead End Thoughts to Look Out For
Life is hard, and one thing I've learned is that there's certain thoughts and perspectives that only make it harder. Tune into this episode to learn what they are and fresh perspectives to redirect to become more resilient!
239 | 5 Tips to Help You Tackle Difficult Conversations
Many people don't like 'confronting' conversations, but tune into this episode to learn how to overcome that fear and understand why the discomfort of speaking up is always much better than trying to pretend everything is ok.
238 | Finding Clarity About "What Next?" After School
Feeling anxious and overwhelmed with figuring out 'what next' after school? Then check out this interview about finding clarity about what you want to pursue after school and finding the courage to go after it!
237 | Knowing Your Worth..
Ever have those days where you simply feel ‘not good enough?’ Then this is just the episode you need to listen to! It’ll help you stop spiraling into shame and step back into your worthiness so you can keep bringing your best to this world!
236 | Scared to Raise Your Hand in Class? Listen to This!
If you don’t ask or answer questions in class out of fear of being judged or getting it wrong, make sure you check out this episode! You’ll learn 5 tips on how to find the courage to speak up even when you’re anxious.