111 | Why Being Wrong Will Make You Happier In Life

On the 2nd birthday of my podcast show, I share with you why being wrong more often will actually help you live a happier and more fulfilling life. Tune in to understand why this is so and how a willingness to be wrong is the first step to true self confidence and achieving any goal you want in life.

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109 | When You're Scared or Confused About Breaking Up With Someone

This episode is for when you're in a relationship where nothing has gone wrong, but it just doesn't ''feel'' right. You're contemplating breaking up but you're confused - and afraid. So here's a little pep talk to give you clarity about what Iyou really want in a relationship and the courage to go after it.

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podcast, teens, parents, membership grief Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership grief Kate Gladdin

108 | Post Traumatic Growth - The Choice 2020 Offers Us..

For decades there's been a ocus on 'post-traumatic stress'', this episode I want to introduce you to the next phase that can come beyond that - post-traumatic GROWTH. It is very timely given how 2020 feels like it's been shattered to pieces. Now I want to show you what choice you have about what comes next...

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podcast, teens, parents, membership pandemic Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership pandemic Kate Gladdin

103 | What Else Is True? - The Question We Must Ask

With so much negative news lately , it's easy to panick and spin on thoughts of anxiety. This episode is your solution to that - I teach you a simple trick to redirect your brain to focus on more empowering thoughts that are just as true - but WAY more helpful in getting you through tough times like these.

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podcast, teens, parents, membership pandemic Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership pandemic Kate Gladdin

102 | Dealing with Social Isolation and Missing Your Friends

Being months into quarantine now, many of us are beginning to struggle with feelings of loneliness from not getting to see our friends or boyfriends/girlfriends. So this episode I give you some new ways of thinking about this situation to help you feel less depressed so you can still maintain your friendships and connection with people you care about, near or far.

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podcast, teens, parents, membership pandemic Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership pandemic Kate Gladdin

101 | Calming School Anxiety Amid Covid 19

Anxiety over the school year ahead is at an all time high amid the uncertainty of the pandemic. Our minds are spinning over questions we can’t answer, so it’s easy to feel out of control. So tune for a powerful pep talk that’ll help you feel less anxious and more in control of the direction the school year takes.

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podcast, teens, parents, membership inspiration Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership inspiration Kate Gladdin

100 | Celebrating 100 Episodes with 5 People Who Inspire Me

From my Aunty who’s fighting cancer to a friend who volunteers at kids hospitals and another who’s begun a home for kids in Kenya, this episode is filled with inspiration that will motivate you to think about the ways you can live with more meaning by focusing more on what you can give to this world, rather than just what can we get from it.

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podcast, teens, parents, membership mindset Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership mindset Kate Gladdin

99 | When Positive Thinking Isn't Working For You

Does trying to believe ''I'm beautiful the way I am'' or ''I can do anything'' feel like trying to believe unicorns are real - just way too out of reach and unrealistic to your brain? Yep, I’ve been there too. So in this episode I teach you how to change your mindset using a new tool that trains your brain to believe anything you want it to.

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podcast, teens, parents, membership motivation Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents, membership motivation Kate Gladdin

98 | The ''All or SOMETHING'' Mentality

Many of us take on the perfectionist ''all or nothing'' mentality as if it's a badge of honour, but tune into discover why this mentality is ruining your ability to be successful at it. I will also teach you why the ‘’all or something’’ mentality is far more powerful in helping you gain momentum and achieve your goals!

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podcast, teens, parents Kate Gladdin podcast, teens, parents Kate Gladdin

94 | Ending Racism - Here's What I'm Learning..

 As a privileged white person, I am not going to pretend I understand what racist discrimination could feel like - but I’ve recorded this episode to explain how I’m doing striving to do better in my attempts to try. Tune in to learn how to uncover your unconscious biases that we can all work on changing together to put an end to racism in our world.

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93 | Treating Everbody Like A Somebody - The Value Of Respect

Too many of us are prioritizing accomplishments, over character and I think that’s why we’re feeling more miserable - because we’re living out of integrity of our greatest selves. Tune into this episode to learn simple ways you can bring more respect and truly feel proud of who you’re being in the world.

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