131 | How To Stress Less What People Think Of You

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The number 1 regret of the dying is the wish that they'd had the courage to live the life they wanted, not the one expected of them - will that be you?

Unfortunately, the answer for too many of us is ''yes'' - you don't want to be that person, but you feel way too anxious and afraid of being judged or criticized by someone, that you prefer to just do what they think is ''right'' and let them dictate your choices in life.

That's why I am once again recording an episode on how to let go of trying to control what people think of you and make decisions based on your VALUES rather than outside opinions.

It's tough, but it's not impossible and the more you practice it, the easier it gets. 

So let me guide you through step by step what strategies and insights have helped me breakfree from anxiously stressing what others think of me and trying to please everyone, and instead now be actively building an amazing life that's true to my own passions, desires and values - which ironically enough, has actually helped me show up as a more kind and loving daughter, sister, friend, fiance and human in the world. 

That's what happens when you honour your own dreams first and foremost, you have more love and energy to give others - not less. 

So tune into this episode and let's get to work on growing your courage so your future self is filled with pride, not regret, when you reflect upon your life - one brave decision at a time!

I am so excited to announce that my new book, The Teen's Guide to Social Skills, is now available on Amazon.com !

In celebration of this, I give you a sneak peek into my book by sharing a snippet of the first chapter and also give you the ability to download ALL of CHAPTER ONE by visiting my website: www.katefitzsimons.com/free-chapter

Don’t forget:

Enjoy the show?


132 | Why Success Won't Make You Happy - But Here's What Will..


130 | Improve Your Mood Every Day By Changing This One Thing