what school forgot to teach us about anxiety - 010

School is awesome for setting us up for many things in life, but coping with our negative emotions is definitely not one of them. This episode I dive into the 3 things you need to learn to better manage your anxiety that goes beyond just ''think positively''. It’s a must listen for anyone who struggles with anxiety on a regular basis - which right now is 1 in 7 of us!

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When You’re Scared to Let Go - 009

Finishing school often requires us giving up or letting go of things that we’ve outgrown in order to make space in our life for the new stuff – the new opportunities, new friendships, new experiences, new achievements, new goals, new habits.. Here is how you can find the courage to make those changes - no matter how scared you feel about it.

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podcast, membership grief Kate Gladdin podcast, membership grief Kate Gladdin

Dealing with Survivors Guilt - 008

Today's is an AKA: "Ask Kate Anything'' episode - How do you deal with survivors guilt? A topic that's not discussed often enough, I dive into how to overcome the sense of guilt when you find happiness again after losing a loved one so you can move forward with greater peace and purpose - minus the self-judgement. 

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