what school forgot to teach us about anxiety - 010
School is awesome for setting us up for many things in life, but coping with our negative emotions is definitely not one of them.
This episode I dive into the 3 things you need to learn to better manage your anxiety that goes beyond just ''think positively''.
It’s a must listen for anyone who struggles with anxiety on a regular basis - which right now is 1 in 7 of us! Tune in now to begin to change this statistic for the better. I share actionable tips that will help you actually improve handling your emotional life in a whole new way.
In this episode you’ll find out about:
Why I believe we’re more anxious than our grandparents
The 50% rule that reduces the intensity of anxiety
What feelings really are - and where they come from!
How to identify if you’re reactiving, resisting or avoiding your emotions
The 4 step process to actually feel your feelings in a healthy way
Don’t forget:
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