129 | How to Bounce Back After a Bad Game

Ever had a game where you felt so angry and embarrassed about how you played? I remember I would want the ground to swallow me whole after some tennis matches where I felt like a complete failure for some of the shots I missed. 

It's tough to have a bad game - but the reality is, ALL athletes have them. Even the best. 

That's not what matters - what matters most is how you respond to those mistakes and failures and how quickly you're able to get back on track so you don't let one bad game derail you for the rest of the season. This is a skill that’s just as valuable as your physical abilities, and one that Nate Gladdin is awesome at teaching after nearly 20 years of coaching sports! 

So join him for this special episode where he shares his best tips and practices to help you perform at your best and use your ''bad games'' as a springboard for improving your skills and resilience on and off the field. 

Because what will impress your coach the most isn't always playing perfectly, but how you use your poor games to progress your skills and fulfill your potential as an athlete and team player! 

I am so excited to announce that my new book, The Teen's Guide to Social Skills, is now pre-order on Amazon.com !

In celebration of this, I give you a sneak peek into my book by sharing a snippet of the first chapter and also give you the ability to download ALL of CHAPTER ONE by visiting my website: www.katefitzsimons.com/free-chapter

Don’t forget:

Enjoy the show?


130 | Improve Your Mood Every Day By Changing This One Thing


128 | Overcoming the Anxiety of Perfectionism - Interview with Kendra Huffman