167 | Beating Your Fear of Being Embarrassed in Public

What is the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in public recently? Maybe it's tripping over in the hallway, having food caught in your teeth, spilling a drink down your shirt, having a panic attack during a speech, texting the wrong person, toilet paper stuck on your foot.. WHATEVER the ''embarrassing'' thing is, this episode will help you overcome it and better handle the next time you make a blunder in public. And that's a matter of WHEN, not if, because we're all human so we'll all mess up sometimes. Confidence isn't about avoiding that, but accepting it and knowing how to laugh at it and let it go. 

If you've struggled to do that so far and still get really caught up in what others are thinking of you, then this episode should give you the ''ah-ha'' moments to help you begin to release your fear and embrace the wonderful mess that is your ''humanness''.

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168 | How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Critic


166 | When A Friend Starts Distancing Themselves From You