Students are moved, encouraged, and motivated by Kate.
“Kate, I just wanted to let you know that you have made a huge impact on me as I lost my Mum when I was 13 and struggled ever since. I want to thank you for making me realise that life is worth living. Your words and presentations are so inspiring and so important! Keep doing what you’re doing because you are not only saving lives, but changing them too!”
“I was at your presentation today Kate think what you’re doing is so amazing!!! I wish I spoke to you in person today to tell you how much today actually effected me. Listening to your story and hearing such passion in your voice was just so motivational and inspiring! What you are doing is so important to everyone. I can’t thank you enough for today, and I really do appreciate everything you said!”
“I just want to thank you so much Kate for coming to Aquinas College yesterday and sharing your story. I’m currently struggling with the fact both my sister’s have been diagnosed with incurable forms of cancer. Hearing you speak so positively about looking at the other perspective really influenced me. The last few months I’ve been so angry, like how could this happen to our family?!
Yesterday it all changed, when you said we all have a choice and when you went through the process of the negative but positive viewpoints it made me realise I need to stop being so angry with everything and just be grateful that I still have this time with them - so thank you so incredibly much. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to be at your presentation yesterday.”
“I’m so grateful we had the privilege of meeting you today Kate and hearing your story - you made me put so many things into perspective and it particularly touched me as my Mum passed away 5 years ago from cancer. Thank you for your inspiring words, with the tips you gave us today I think it will be easier for me to live with the loss. You showed me that nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it, and that I am not alone. I was in awe of your strength the whole time you were speaking - listening to you was the most amazing thing I’ve ever listened to since I’ve been at school.”
“I’m going through a really hard time right now with anxiety and depression, but your presentation has definitely helped me out and given me some new ways to cope with things - and given me hope. Thank you Kate.”
“I just wanted to say thank you for the talk that you gave my school last week! I am so sorry to hear about your sister, because I know how it feels.. I’m not usually the type to come out and say this but it actually really helped me as I’ve had something very similar happened to me a few years back when I lost my cousin. At the time I was a mess and handled the situation the wrong way. After hearing your story it has opened my eyes up to look for the positives in life and to leave the anger behind which I am very grateful for!
I wish you had of come to my school a lot earlier because back when I was when this all was going on, I honestly had no idea how to control it and and eventually I hit rock bottom. I was becoming a person I wasn’t and didn’t like. At the time I thought talking to someone and opening up wasn’t the right thing to do. But now after you having that talk at school it has completely changed my mind and attitude towards this situation and future struggles that I will face soon. As I said before, I’m never the type to just come out all emotional and that but legit you’ve given me the courage to come out and say this, which I am very grateful for! ”
“Thank you again for coming yesterday Kate. Your story had me thinking for the rest of the night and I went home and talked to my family about it. You’re so inspiring and what you’re doing is so great, keep up the amazing work!”
“I’d just like to say a huge thank you Kate for your talk at Yass High today. I just started there a week ago and your talk helped me in so many ways and inspired me to do things I’ve never thought possible. You’ve come so far from your tragic loss - it’s amazing.”
“I just want to personally say a big thank you for sharing your story with us today. You really did impact us all. Throughout your presentation it really allowed me to gather my thoughts and realise that life does go on, and it is truly up to us to take the good from whatever happens. My life has not been smooth sailing however after today I now know that “you can’t change what happened, but who you become of it is all yours for the taking.”
“I just want to thank you Kate for making a difference in the lives of young people. I was so moved by what you had to say, and how you motivated us through sharing your thoughts and advice with us. Please keep doing what you do, because you’re making a difference.”
“Your presentations really touched my heart Kate and helped me to understand that I can change my thoughts. Your presentation really made me think about my thoughts and how I can change it from negative to positive. I feel like you have really inspired me and others in my year. You are truly inspiring and an amazing role model to look up to. You have made me look at my thoughts in a different perspective and I’m really grateful for it, thank you so much!”
“Kate’s presentation was 110% relatable and relevant to me as the past 6 months have been difficult, yet she really opened up my eyes that your mindset has a big impact on your emotions. She taught me having a positive outlook when something bad happens will make things easier to get through and empower you to change or make a difference.
Other students need to see this presentation as I honestly haven’t seen anything so well put together and so inspiring as Kate’s. The whole room was filled with emotion and I think every student will remember her presentation for a long time. What Kate shared really did change my life, my outlook and inspired me to push hard and things will be okay!”
“I really enjoyed Kate’s presentation due to her connection with the audience. Everything Kate spoke about I could instantly relate to or could picture myself in a similar situation and it really opened my eyes to reality and how negative thoughts can bring you down and how small problems only have to stay small problems and eventually life moves on.
What Kate had to say was very relatable and what I really needed to hear. The negative thoughts that spread through my mind were toxic and after listening to Kate’s presentation it’s been such an eye opener.
She’s helped me see how even in the darkest time it’s not impossible to move forward and I believe everyone should know this because no doubt we’ve all somewhat felt like this once or twice.”
“We recently had Kate come to deliver her most inspiring presentation. For me as a cycling athlete I struggle quite a lot with mental challenges. When I competed in u19 National Championships I had someone crash into my back wheel leaving it mangled and behind everyone else. I suffered many weeks after that in a depression mode, like I wasn’t good enough and people had lost hope in me. But Kate’s presentation inspired me to see the positives in every circumstance. That what happened to me at Nationals happened to make me stronger and more resilient. I came home that night and smashed out my session repeating her inspiring words in my head and it’s the best I have felt in weeks! Kate really changed my life! And I can’t thank her enough for it!”
“I found that Kate is a very influential, empowering, and motivating speaker. I really enjoyed watching Kate’s inspiring presentation. I believe that I am not one to think in a positive way, so Kate’s talk really helped me see that everything that happens in life can be taken in one of two ways, either positive or negative. I now understand the benefits of not focusing on the negative side to a circumstance.
What got me most engaged was the way she discussed using your inner speech to change your thoughts, for example “I always have a choice and I am always in control of how I respond to any event in my life”. I will reflect upon and use this technique in the future when I become overwhelmed by my negative thoughts.”