Help your students become more



Not being invited to homecoming, failing a big exam, mom being diagnosed with cancer, dad leaving on deployment, stress about college plans and friendships that suddenly end…all youth face adversity.


Kate’s strategies cut through and connect with reluctant students who roll their eyes at traditional “positive thinking” advice..

Curious about Kate’s costs and whether it works with your budget?

*Please note ONLINE and safe social distancing options of Kate’s presentation are now available for your school or organization.

Kate Gladdin is an acclaimed Youth Resilience Expert and International Motivational Speaker from Australia who now resides in Wyoming. She’s spoken to over 200,000 teens about building the resilience to overcome any adversity. After her presentations, students are excited to meet her and she often hears feedback that her presentations are “life-changing!”

Kate’s talks help reduce student anxiety by teaching the power of ''response-ability'' which is the ability to choose a response to any situation based on your perspective of it . 

Response-ability is a life skill Kate had to learn after her sister was killed when she was just 20 years old and her grief spiraled her into a full-blown eating disorder.

In a world where there's so much beyond our control, it's easy to feel chronically overwhelmed—especially during high school when most teens are experiencing rapid growth spurts, acne frustrations, sexual pressures, and an unfair social pecking order (just to name a few).  Kate teaches young people how to claim a new sense of inner strength and manage their feelings in an empowered way—even when things seem hopelessly beyond their control.

Students will learn how to: 

  • Recognize the impact of negative thoughts and self-talk

  • Understand the connection between their thoughts, feelings, and reactions

  • Use a simple 3-step strategy to quickly change unhelpful thought

  • Identify sneaky negative beliefs and transform them

  • Develop a growth mindset during times of adversity

    Her 3-step resilience-boosting strategy can be learned by even the most skeptical, hard-to-reach teens. Her tools aren’t merely inspirational, they’re accessible and practical. They facilitate a new sense of optimism that teens can start practicing immediately!

*Please note ONLINE and safe social distancing options of Kate’s presentation are now available for your school or organization. inquire above for more info.


Many speakers can inspire students for an hour, but few give ongoing support to help them put their advice into practice and create lasting changes in their lives - that’s why Kate does things differently.

When you book Kate, your students and school community get access to her podcast show and a private website filled with her best mental health resources. You can include these in your well-being sessions and share with your students to keep building their resilience skills.

From body image struggles through to stress about college plans or anxiety over tough conversations, this is sample of the issues Kate coaches teens through weekly on her podcast show..


How much does Kate’s presentation cost?

 Having been on the education speaking circuit for over 10 years, Kate is well aware that schools budgets determine whether you can afford a particular speaker. She’s never wanted students to miss out on her life-changing message simply because of money, so she is always as flexible and creative in helping you find ways to make her offering affordable for your school.

What grades is Kate’s talk suitable for?

Kate tailors her presentation to resonate strongly with both Middle and High School students. She also speaks with college students & organizations.

How long does Kate’s talk go for?

Kate’s presentation requires at least a 60-minute session with your students. Many students want to come up to speak with Kate or take a photo with her afterward, or often enjoy some Q&A time, so 75-90 minute sessions also work well.

Are there any post-presentation resources that the school can use after Kate’s talk to keep reinforcing her message with students?

Yes, Kate absolutely offers post-presentation resources for the students, teachers, and parents. She knows resilience isn’t solved in a sixty-minute session, it’s a skill that takes practice and she offers a variety of practical resources to help you do this for your school community.

Is there a limit on the number of students that can see Kate’s talk at one time?

No. Kate has spoken to audiences from 50 - 2000 students at one time - the number of students does not impact the power of her message, so long as the appropriate venue and AV setup is supplied. She does, however, prefer to do middle and high school grades separately so she can speak uniquely to those different age groups.

What kind of facilities does Kate need to host her talk?

Kate’s presentations work best in an auditorium with full AV capabilities to display slides and play videos. Kate can present in school gymnasiums, but due to the limitations of this setup, it will impact the value your students will take away from her talk so please keep that in mind when selecting a space for Kate to present.

Is there anywhere I can see Kate in action and get a preview of her talk?

Absolutely, you can watch Kate in action and see her ability to connect with teens by watching her demo video here:

What about feedback from teachers, is there anywhere I can hear about what teacher’s think of Kate’s talk?

There certainly is! Just jump on this link here for videos and messages from teachers about what they found Kate’s talk so impactful for their school.

I’m keen to invite Kate to visit our students, but I need the Principal’s approval first, does Kate have a brochure I can send with all the important info needed to make this decision?

Yes, absolutely. Kate appreciates the organization that goes into inviting a speaker to your school and wants to make this process as easy as possible for you, so please click below to inquire. Kate will send you all the information your school Principal will need.

I want to chat with Kate on the phone about potentially visiting our school, but can’t find her number. How can I get in touch with her on a call?

Kate would love to chat with you further about her presentation. Simply click below and she’ll be in touch shortly to organize a suitable time with you.