Latest Episodes
Do you sometimes feel like you're nothing more than a sidekick in your story with life always happening TO you? Tune in to learn how you can take your power back to become the hero of your life!
This episode I'm excited to bring back teen coach, Sami, to explore all things anxiety - and what's REALLY causing you to feel so much of it!
How do things that happen to you as a child impact you later in life? Tune into this interview with therapist, Anna Lagana, as together we explore this exact question - and why it’s such an important thing to understand for yourself.
This is a special little episode recapping my last few weeks of getting married in Australia & enjoying my first Aussie Christmas with my new hubby, Nate! :)
How do things that happen to you as a child impact you later in life? Tune into this interview with therapist, Anna Lagana, as together we explore this exact question - and why it’s such an important thing to understand for yourself.
What does success mean to you? Or confidence? Or mental health? The way we define these terms can impact our experience of the world. Tune in to learn more!
Tune into to learn how Joey Brown went from an anxious student struggling with panic attacks, to a fighter pilot handling stress at the highest level!
If you've been curious about what life coaching is really like and whether it could help you, give this episode a listen!
If you’re constantly oversleeping and struggle to get out of bed, listen to this episode to learn tips that’ll make it easier for you to get up and get moving!
Learning how much your thinking influences how you feel can be very empowering - until we begin to use it against ourselves. Tune into this episode to make sure you're not falling into the trap of toxic positivity.