165 | How to Get Good With Money - Interview with Chad Willardson

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Feel like you're hopeless at saving money? Get squirmish when people talk about money? Believe you're greedy if you want to make a lot of money? Then this episode is going to give you some HUGE break throughs!

I am excited to have Wealth Management Advisor & Certified Financial Fudiciary, Chad Willardson, on the show to teach three simple money habits to start practicing NOW so you end up with a LOT more money later! No it's not boring or complicated financial advice - it's SIMPLE and powerful steps that you can use to get a handle over your money situation. Chad will help you see your ''money blind spots'' and also how something as simple as saving $10 today can turn into $10,000 down the track. Your future self (and your bank account) will definitely thank you for tuning into this interview!

Chad is founder of Pacific Capital Wealth and author of his latest book, Smart Not Spoiled, which focuses on helping teens & young adults get money savvy so they can set themselves up for a more fulfilling and abundant life. You can check out Chad's latest book here.

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