125 | How To Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway

Overcome Fear of Failure.jpg

You've likely heard saying ''Feel the fear and do it anyway'' - but HOW do you actually do that?

How do you do brave things like ask that cute guy out, audition for the musical or drop out of a course you have zero interest in - even when you're terrified of failing or being rejected and ridiculed for it? 

The answer lies in understanding what you're actually afraid of (it's probably not what you think) and that you're already living your worst case scenario.

What do I mean by this? Be sure to tune in to find out!

If you're sick of hiding away in fear and ready to make 2021 the year where you live true to the ''me you want to be'' in the world - this episode is for you!

Don’t forget:

Enjoy the show?


126 | Inspiration For College Students Feeling Stuck


124 | The Secret to Self Worth - Interview with Joey Mascio