152 | What Chocolate Chip Cookies Can Teach Us About Life

Something that I see hold people back most in life is this need for certainty and control - you know, where you won't try something until you know EVERY single step and feel like you can guarantee the outcome of how it's going to go.

In the short term it may help you avoid some discomfort, but in the long term it ends up making your life smaller and more unfulfilling because it blocks you from discovering some of the most magic and meaningful moments of your life - that are all the more amazing BECAUSE they were unexpected.

So tune into this episode as I share with you some of the world's best accidental inventions and discuss how we can use these as inspiration to stay open and curious to our own possibilities of life - as you just never know when you may discover your own version of a chocolate chip cookie. 

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153 | From a ''C'' Student to Successful Entrepreneur - Interview with Oliver Seidler


151 | Drop Your Don't - The Secret to Feeling Better Faster