234 | When Your Parents Are Getting Divorced..

life coach for teens in divorce

Ashamed. Angry. Helpless. These are just a few of the emotions someone whose parents are going through a divorce may feel. With so many changes to navigate and decisions to make, plus so many expectations and emotions flying around between Mum & Dad, it's easy to feel trapped between trying to please them both.

That's why I brought on divorce and life coach, Melissa Kalil, onto the show to offer advice and support to any teen or young adult who has parents going through this difficult, and sometimes outright messy, process. 

Given there's so many things out of your control during a divorce, you will learn from Melissa how to overcome that feeling of helplessness, how to deal with the guilt of feeling like you're letting down your parent, what's helpful to do on the days where you're changing homes, and how to respectfully advocate for yourself and your needs so they're not lost in the chaos of everything else. 

Divorce may be a challenging and painful experience for everyone involved, but tune in to learn from Melissa, how you can still make it purposeful for your healing and your growth. <3 

Divorce coach for teens

For more info on Melissa's services and to connect with her online, please check out:

Want to speak in person at your school or college to help support your peers?
Learn more about my resilience presentations for teens and young adults here: https://kategladdin.com/demo-video 

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235 | Life Advice You Should Probably Ignore..


233 | Small Ways to Make a Big Impact - With Joe Schmit