208 | To All College Freshmen Feeling Anxious Right Now..

Are you about to start at college and feel like a rollercoaster of emotions and anxiety? You're not alone!

All freshmen students I'm coaching with feel the same. So in this I share some tips to help you get through these first few months of college with less overwhelm and meltdowns.

I give advice on how to overcome the struggle of feeling like you don't fit in or not knowing what to say when meeting new people.

I also explore ways to help you get a handle over your anxiety and not let it hold you back from making the most of this new chapter in life.

Moving into college is a big life transition that's naturally going to stir up a whole range of emotions, and this episode is here to guide you on how to best process through them all in a way that helps you grow and strengthen your resilience. <3 

Don’t forget:

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209 | Habit to Feel Less Overwhelmed By School Work


207 | Finding Purpose When You’re Feeling Lost