having A Bad Day? Put This on Repeat - 019
We all have ''those days'' where you just want to give up on the world. You feel alone. Frustrated. And over it. I know this, because sometimes this IS me.
So I've compile together my best bite-size words of wisdom and inspiration to carry you through the lows of being ''human'' - and empower you to make the most of our human ability to turn any of these experiences into ones that help you get more out of life.
This episode dives into a range of different topics that can help turn around any bad day - I speak about struggling with body image, worry over other people's opinions, processing grief and healing from trauma.
And don't forget to send your ONE GOOD THING to me on Instagram - you can find me @katemaree_fitz. Can't wait to hear from you!
I've been announced as a Top 4 Finalist for NSW Young Woman of the Year!
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